Saturday, September 28, 2013

                                Plenteous Hindu's Gods                                 

A plenteous Gods are actually Devatas(Demigods or deities). These deities were one of those living beings created by Lord Bramha at the time of creation. Devatas are the higher beings who resides in higher planets called Devalokas(Heaven). There are not just Devatas(deities) but other higher beings , to name a few are Gandharvas, Yakshas etc. All of them reside in their respective Lokas (higher planets). The number of such planets where life exists is described as 14. The references of the same can be found in Vedas and Puranas. Deities are the ministry of Bhagvan Shri Vishnu(Shri Krishna) created to nurture human for their physical needs. This is very cleary specified, beyond any doubts

Please find these references:
saha-yajnah prajah srstva purovaca prajapatih
anena prasavisyadhvamesa vo ’stv ista-kama-dhuk

"In the begining , the creator Brahma created being(including deities) with the Yajna(Sacrifice) and said "By Yajna(Sacrifice) you propagate, and grow , let Yajna(Sacrifice) be your wish-fulfilling cow of plenty"

Te deva bhavayantu vah devan bhavayatanena
parasparam bhavayantahsreyah param avapsyatha

"By this Yajna(religious sacrifice), you please demigods and then those demigods will nurture you. In this way, supporting each way, you shall obtain supreme good"

From above two shlokas we can summarize following important facts.
1. Lord Bramha created all living beings at the time of creation including Devatas.
2. Deities are responsible for nurturing human and other living beings.

It is very clear from the above that Human should please Devatas(demigods) by worshiping them with appropriate rituals. Devatas in turn nurture human. This is the hierarchy of celestial living beings created by Parmatma.

To understand this better, we can draw a parallel with a Governing system. There is a prime minister/President who is the head. He has many ministers under him. Centeral Govt/Federal State is further divided into states/provinces. Each state has one chief minister/Governor who is the head of that state. The states are further divided into smaller governing bodies like districts /counties etc. There are officials at local levels who represent state/center government. This forms the whole governance system.

If somebody wants to submit Income tax he is not going to Prime minister for it, rather he goes to local Income tax office to pay the Income tax. The local office too is called as Income tax office or department.

This system works not only in Governing bodies but in almost all types of organizations, like banks, Institutes, Companies etc. Rather hierarchy is the only way possible to accomplish all complex tasks.

The ministery of God works in same way. Devatas(deities) are the ministry of Lord. The task of deities is divided. Indra is the king of Devatas(deities). Devatas perform their tasks to nurture human and other living beings as per the divine law made by Lord Shri Vishnu. Lord Bramha and Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu manifested from same Parmatma(Lord) to perform the three major tasks of Universe, the creation, maintenance and destruction.

Human worship deities and deities in turn nurture human. This co-relation and coexistence is the decided by Parmeshwara. Deviation from this co-relation is invitation to the troubles as this disturbs the balance between Devatas and Human. Human worship deities as there are the immediate guardian of human.

I hope this note will help devotees to remove confusion related with Devatas. All such talks of many gods are due to ignorance or propagated for ill intentions. God has his full ministry and all tasks in this universe is well managed by divine laws.

On Namo Bhagavate Vasudevayah ~

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