Monday, July 1, 2013

"ISRO set for launch of PSLV-C22 " On 1st July, 2013-Astro Analysis of this Launch Shall be Succesful

Today's breaking NEWS--- "ISRO set for launch of PSLV-C22 " "IRNSS-1A, which will be launched at 11.41 PM on July 1, is one of seven satellites constituting the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) space segment."

My astrological analysis considering "ISRO set for launch of PSLV-C22 " Countdown@07:11 am -:
Mercury(3rd/12th)in 12th(foreign/alien/outer space) with higher Mercury bindu-(4) .....and the Moon in 9th-(celestial navigation)- lord Jupitar in 12th with lower SAV(23) and Jupitar BAV =(4)........with the Higher Sun BAV=(5).......
signifies well-disposed work ......a favourable time.....thus an affirmative nod from me , had ISRO have asked me ...... :)

11th house(achievements/
fullfillments) has higher SAV Bindu=(34) and

The Moon (Lagna Lord ) has beneficial higher Moon's BAV Bindu-(7) in 9th house (Jupitar=4 Bav bindu).......and in d-9 chart, very beneficial in 4th house in mooltrikona(Jup in 4th in saggi)........

The Venus being-(11th/4th lord) very beneficial in Lagna with higher Venus BAV=(5).....very positive......

The Jupitar aspecting 4th house-(Saturn/Rahu in libra).....8th house of re-search,6th, house of efforts........

Double aspect of Mars(11th)-and from Saturn(4th) on (6th house)-Saggi sign .......

The Navami Tithi, ---Moon was in Pisces(Revati)......Moon in 11th house(achivements===11th house=beneficial 34 BAV )---- in India's chart......... beneficial in India's chart as Revati Nak-being auspicious for travel---Revati Nak---lord Mercury being the (Sampat Tara) also significant .......the Sun(2nd lord), Jup(6th/9th)-in Ardra Nak....(for India--Ardra being Matri /Friend-Tara)-.....all showing success in launching PSLV-C-22.........

Now my astrological analysis Considering 23:41p.m. as the time for Launching PSLV-C22 -:

Pisces Lagna --Jupitar in airy Gemini-- (Ardra)....with Mercury(Rx)-(4th/7th lord) and the Sun(6th lord).......

Jupitar with high SAV=30 and High BAV of Jupitar=(5)bindu's........

Venus (3rd/8th lords) is in 5th house in Cancer Pushya -Lord saturn11th house lord Saturn (Rx) is with Rahu in ().in the 8th house of shock......

Moon in Ashwini (Ketu)Nakshtra,auspicious for starting Journey, lagna lord Jupitar in Ardra(Looking Upwards/aircraft cockpit)..... with Dashmi Tithi -(benevolent manner).......

Lagna Lord Jupitar having high SAV Bindu =(30) and Jupitar's high BAV bindu=(5) .....Jupitar aspecting 8th house (Saturn(11th/12th lord)/Rahu)........

8th lord Venus having low SAV Bindu =(24) and Venus high BAV bindu=(5) .....Saturn aspecting 5th house (Venus)-(8th/3rd lord)/and Rahu(12th lord)............

The (4th/7th) lord Mercury (Rx) is in 4th house ----Mercury significator of Communication Satelite is in own sign in Punarvasu-(moving out/forward moving, longivity)..........
D-9 Lord Mercury is in the 10th house ....being Retrograde will Influence Moon in 9th house (far-off /distance travel)........

Mars in d-1---Mars in 3rd house is aspecting (6th,9th/10th)house.......
Mars havin high SAV=30 and BAV of Mars in 3rd=Higher=(5) BAV Bindu.....
Mars in D-9 Lagna.......Mars being lord of 9th(d-1) and lord of (3rd/8th)in d-9 chart is aspecting Jupitar (d-1 lagna).......and Rahu in 8th house.....
since both Jupitar (Lagna Lord/10th)=d-1 and Mercury (3rd/7th)--(communication satellite and Public Navaigaton)....

The DashmiTithi, ---Moon was in Aries(Ashwini)......Moon is with Ketu(Bharani-Venus=3rd/7th lord) in 2nd house(liberality/
munificence).....2nd house having beneficial SAV Bindu(34 )----The Mars (2nd/9th Lord is in 3rd House) .........Aries being 12th house of India, having (A3)- is beneficial for India's chart as Ashvini Nak-being auspicious for begning travel---(Ashvini) Nak---lord Ketu is currently transiting Bharani Nak.... being the (Kshema/good Tara) also significant .......the Sun(2nd lord), Jup(lagna lord/10th)-in Ardra Nak....(for India--Ardra being Mitra /Friend-Tara)-.....all showing success in launching PSLV-C-22....
by: Raahul S Saraaswat -Vedic Astrologer

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