Thursday, June 7, 2012

|| The Mantra to the Supreme Light ||

                      || The Mantra to the Supreme Light ||                                           

|| The Mantra to the Supreme Light ||

Above is the Mantra to the Supreme Light, Param Jyoti Mantra, which is a famous Vedic, Vedantic and Tantric Mantra. We could also spell it phonetically as OM HREEM HAMSA SO HAM SWAHA! This mantra brings us into the Divine or inner light and causes it to resonate in our body, breath, speech and mind.

We recommend all our friends and students to chant it regularly. We initiate individuals into this mantra and its many variants. It is the core form of an entire set of mantras of which there are several dozen versions that can be used for many different purposes. We also use this mantra along with other important mantras like the famous Tantric Panchadashi Mantra to Tripura Sundari.

This Mantra to the Supreme Light is first a Vedantic mantra. Om is the Supreme Brahman. Hrim is the mantra of the spiritual heart. Hamsah is the mantra of the liberated soul. So'ham means "I am He", meaning the Supreme Being. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used along with meditation to realize the Self within.

The Mantra to the Supreme Light is a Tantric mantra. Om is the Supreme Shiva. Hrim is the the Supreme Shakti. Hamsa So'ham is the unification of Shiva and Shakti in our breath and consciousness. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. This mantra can be used along with the worship of the Goddess to bring her presence into our hearts.

The Mantra to the Supreme Light is a Yoga mantra. Om is the supreme guru. Hrim is the light of the awakened Kundalini. Hamsa So'ham is the balancing of the Sun and Moon, or solar and lunar forces, the Ida and Pingala Nadis. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used along with pranayama to empower the breath and open the chakras.

The Mantra to the Supreme Light is an Ayurvedic mantra. Om is the cosmic prana. Hrim is the health giving power of the spirit heart. Hamsa So'ham is the power of the breath to give vitality and promote rejuvenation. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used to bring the cosmic prana into us for healing purposes.

The Mantra to the Supreme Light is an astrological mantra. Om is the mantra of the cosmic light. Hrim is a mantra for the Sun. Hamsa So'ham is the energy of the Sun as the power of life and consciousness. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. The mantra can be used to propitiate weak planets in the Vedic birth chart, starting with the Sun.

The Mantra to the Supreme Light is an important mantra for usage at the winter solstice, the equinoxes and summer solstices for the worship of the Sun. With the mantra Shrim (Shreem) instead of Hrim, it can be used at the new, half and full Moons, for the worship of the Moon and the Goddess.
“So Ham” makes the sound of the breath, the sound of nature, plus the sound of the serpent (nag), which represents the movement of energy through the body’s energy channels (nadi) – Sushumna + ida + pingala nadi = the caduceus

                   || OM Hrim Hamsa Soham Swaha ||                               

Mantra of higher life force (prana) and centering in the heart.

OM - unmanifest prana, the primordial sound

HRIM - Primal sound of female energy (shakti)

[HA = prana, RA = light, II = shakti force, M = sound of dissolution (anuswara)]

Also a mantra of the sun and several Hindu goddesses, both purifying and rejuvenating.

HAM SA – increases solar prana – pingala – illuminating, stimulating

SO HAM – increases lunar prana – ida – receptive, calming

SWAHA – mantra of offering, energizing, stimulating, increases fire (agni) 
[Swaha is the wife of Agni, God of fire]

Breathing exercise – alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodana pranayama)

Inhale left – mentally chant OM

Exhale right – HRIM

Inhale right – HAM

Exhale left – SA

Inhale left – SO

Exhale right – HAM

Inhale right – SWA

Exhale left – HA —

Om Hans, Hansaya, Vidmahe, Param, Hansaya Dheemahi, Tanno Hansah, Prachodayat........ OM "Bruimhgayatri" mantra OM
Asdhato ma saat gamaya, TAMASHO MAA JYOTRGAMAYA, mrityur maa amritam gamayaaa. The vedic invocation to the Supreme Light must indispensably start with the above prayer, with particular ref to TAMASHO MAA JYOTIRGAMAYAA...Lead me from Darkness to Light. 
                 LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU            

                OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI HEE            

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