Roger Federrar Wimbledon 2017 Match Prediction
Astrologically,Today Roger Federrar is going to Win in his Wimbeledon Match.
transit of the Moon in the Scorpio (Jyeshtha) -Mercury Nakashatara is
going to favor him . As Mercury is his 11th house of Profit and gains
.in his birth chart.The Sun is transiting in his 9house of fortune in
Gemini SIgn.
Roger Federrar DOB -:
8th, August, 1981,
His Rising sign(Ascendant) is Leo.
The Moon in Libra in Vishaka(Jupitar) Nakshatara.
The Mars in Gemini(Punarvasu)Nakshatara
achieved all his glory during the dasa period of the Saturn. Roger
Federer’s Saturn(6th lord) is with Jupiter (5th/8th lords), aspected by
the Mars,(4th/9th lord).
In the Saturn(6th/7th lord) dasha period (rivalry, competition). He was most successful.
Since Today The Moon is transiting in the Scorpio (Mars being 4/9th lord) his Victory is confirmed astrologically.
Thus, as per transiting of the Moon and his ongoing pd dasha He must WIN Todays Match astrologically.
The Venus in Leo Purvaphaguni (Venus) Nakshatara.
हर हर शंकर त्वं शरणम
ॐ नमः शिवाय !
Om Namaha Shivya!
By -Pundit Rahul Sharma